Crystal Louchart
Nintendo Switch Lite
This piece was created for my portfolio commercial project and shows my passion of video games.
For this piece I was the videographer, editor, scriptwriter, sound engineer, and graphic artist.
Special thanks to my dad, Don Louchart for the voice talent and set design.
Clubs on Campus
This piece was my passion piece for my portfolio for myself and others to find out more about the clubs on our campus.
I was the sound engineer for every day of filming, the editor, graphics artist, voice over artist, and the videographer for most of the clubs.
Special thanks to all the club leaders for allowing me to interview them and film their clubs. I'd also like to thank everyone on my crew: Michael Petruce, Zack Miller, Trenton Delaney, Colby Ray, Ryleigh Schuetz, Dakota Koren, Christian Aldridge.
PSA: Don't Litter
This piece was created as a PSA for my portfolio.
I was a videographer, scriptwriter, sound engineer, and graphic artist
Special thanks to Michael Petruce for being a videographer and talent. More thanks to Maggie Goob, Jeff Gresock, and Q as talents.
PTC News Teaser
This piece was created as an audio only piece for my portfolio.
I was the sound engineer and script writer.
Special thanks to all the voice talents: Zane Shepherd, Michael Petruce, Shelby Higgs, and Lexi Mizzelle.
Life at Church
This piece was created as my senior project
I was the interviewer, voice over artist, and director
Tanner Marsh was on camera, Ryleigh Schuetz was on audio, and Jack Livezey on lighting
Additional thanks to Ryleigh Schuetz for an abundance of b-roll.